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Chinese Chongqing Dog breed standard
发布时间:2014-05-16 23:33 点击:

GENERAL APPEARANCE: A compact dog of medium size and substance, nearly square in profile, strongly built, muscular, and powerful. The Chongqing dog is a masterpiece of nature, unique in his coat, tail, and appearance of the head: active, alert, fearless and loyal.
SIZE, PROPORTION, SUBSTANCE: Dogs - 16-19.5 inches (40-50 cm) at the withers, and 44-54 pounds (20-25 kg) weight. Bitches - 14-16 inches (35-40 cm) at the withers, and 33-44 pounds (15-20 kg) weight. Length of head, neck, and legs to be in proportion to length and depth of body. He should not be too massive or racy (streamline/flowing lines) in outline. In comparing specimens of different sex, due allowance must be made in favor of the bitches who may not have as much head or substance as do the males. There is an impression of femininity in bitches as compared to an impression of masculinity in dogs.
HEAD: Strong, moderately large in proportion to the size of the dog. Deep through, flat and broad skull, pronounced cheek muscles, distinct stop. Should have sufficient play of skin to form wrinkles between the eyes beginning at the base of the muzzle and extending up the forehead.
Faults: Skin too deep and heavily wrinkled.
EARS: Set high, small in proportion to the head, thin, triangular in shape, open toward the front, and strongly erect.
Faults: Not strongly erect, hanging, broken down, cropped.
EYES: Dark brown in color, moderate size, neither sunken nor bulging. The eye rims black.
NOSE: Broad and black, the tip of the nose should lie slightly higher than the root of the muzzle.
MUZZLE: Nearly square in profile. Jaws well defined. Underjaw to be strong and have biting power. Lips should be tight.
MOUTH AND TONGUE: Should have spots or patches of bluish-black on the surface of the tongue, a solid bluish-black mouth is ideal. Teeth should be healthy, strong, and regular, scissors bite or moderately undershot jaw, but the teeth should be invisible when the mouth is closed.
Faults: Too pointed a bite, too undershot, teeth showing when mouth closed.
NECK: Powerful, moderately long, slightly arched and without loose skin. The neck gradually increases in circumference as it approaches the shoulder.
BODY: Well-rounded with marked spring of rib. Loin slightly tucked. Dogs' loin is somewhat shorter than bitches'.
BACK: Strong, slightly arched over the loin.
TAIL: Short, sturdy (good strength and substance), and set on high. The tail is thick and round at the base, tapering to a fine point. When the dog is excited or in motion, the tail rises like a bamboo shoot and forms an angle approximately 45-degrees~90-degrees with the horizontal, this is a characteristic feature of the breed.
Faults: Too long, curled, or held over back, docked.
FOREQUARTERS: The shoulders should be strong and muscular. Degree of front angulation to match correct rear angulation. The shoulder blades should be wide and flat. Behind the shoulders there should be no slack or dip at the withers. Chest should be broad when viewed from the front, extending at least to the elbow.
LEGS: Developed with straight, heavy bone. Pasterns are strong, springy. The elbows must turn neither in nor out.
FEET: Moderate in size, round and compact with well-arched toes. Nails are black.
HINDQUARTERS: Muscular, strong, and moderately angulated matching the front. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear.
CROUP: Flat, with the base of the tail set extremely high, clearly exposing an up-tilted anus.
COAT: Short, flat, not dense, hard (harsh to the touch), and with a good gloss. Some dogs' coats are very thin, especially on the back and the top of the tail (the portion exposed to the sun). However, the skin must be healthy.
Faults: A soft coat, a dense coat, or a coat that has been trimmed.
COLOR: Solid color, brown or dark brown. Small white patch on chest is permissible.
MOVEMENT: The dog should move smoothly, covering the ground with free, easy strides, fore and hind legs should move parallel each to each when viewed from the front or behind. The forelegs should reach out well with the hind legs moving smoothly at the hip and flexing well at the stifle and hock, strong drive in the hindquarters. The dog should move compactly and in one piece, but with a typical jaunty air that suggests agility and power.
NOTE: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum
* The official breed standard is established and approved by the Chongqing Pet Association.

Chinese Chongqing dog breed information
Chinese Chongqing Dog breed standard
Chinese Chongqing dog breed history
Introductions to Chongqing


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